The battle of weary old race horses

It’s the final battle. The two horses can not be changed as it would cease to be the horse race that people have talked about for the last 2 decades. There is no way you would dare to introduce new horses in this race. It would almost be cheating as any new horse would have far too much energy.

Looking at either horse, you cant but shed a tear for the shells that represent the powerful horses they both once were. It’s a race of pride and and it will probably be a crawling race to the finish. The cheering Calvary of apparently very loyal supporters will be running and screaming and the saddest thing is that the loudest cheerers will probably be hoping their favourite horse drops dead on winning the race. Quite horrible but honestly true. Any one with real love for either of these horse would long have retired their horse and set it out to pasture to enjoy a somewhat peaceful ending to a no doubt glorious past.

Many would like to place their bets on a newer fitter horse but the mafia that runs this race on either side of this race are merciless and will not tolerate such sacrilege. They are so fanatical they have cowed a lot of people into not actually betting on either horse. Still the race draws nearer and nearer and it seems there is no way out. Perhaps there is but I will not share what I thinkĀ  as I too maybe be called to account for this apparent treasonous thought. How do you wish either horse well in the race. It is painful to watch as I know every step each horse takes causes them to wince in physical pain.

I know what I will do. I will close my eyes and say a prayer or make a wish. Who knows how it will end? It will be what it will be. Sigh

About rumblingsfromzimbabwe

I love God, I love my family, I love Zimbabwe! Passionate about life. #Frown Upon Injustice #Hate Evil in any society. #Always Looking Out For Heroes #ThisFlag- Have so much love for the Zimbabwean flag and everything it represents for my heritage. #I love the Constitution of The Republic of Zimbabwe- It defines who I can be in my Land of birth.
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